Please note that the minutes below are not the official minutes. They are taken from the official minutes, re-formatted for website use, and published on the website in order to keep the citizens of Hankelow informed.

Hankelow Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held on the 1st February 2010

THOSE PRESENT:- The Chairman, Borough Councillor Rachel Bailey, Cllrs. Cope, Foster and Williams. Also present were 4 parishioners. Apologies were received from Councillor Hulme.

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on the 2nd November 2009

    The Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd November 2009 were read and, with two amendments, were accepted and signed by the Chairman.

  2. Matters arising

    1. Local Area Partnerships

      Cllr. Foster had attended a L.A.P. Meeting on 18th January, 2010.

      As with previous meetings, the majority of the items were specific to Nantwich rather than the rural area around Nantwich.

      There is talk of setting up a Rural Transport Group, since the members of the Nantwich Transport Group are not willing to include rural areas. A representative of Sustrans gave a talk about a new cycle way between Nantwich and Crewe, but again nothing was mentioned about the area south of Nantwich.

      Bob Hassall outlined a plan to discourage "binge drinking", but again, this was Nantwich-specific.

    2. Community Pride/Spirit competitions

      Cllr. Cope proposed that the Parish Council enters the CommunitySpirit/Pride Competitions again this year. The proposal was seconded by the Chairman.

      Cllr. Cope also reported that the telephone was broken in the kiosk in the village. The Clerk was instructed to report the damage.

  3. Reports

    1. Speed limit on the A529 through Hankelow

      The Chairman reported that Bill Keddie who had been Cheshire East Officer in charge of the Hankelow Speed Limit Review had now been superseded by a Mr. Malcolm McQuaig.

      The Chairman had also spoken with Chris Booth from the Highways Department, Cheshire East Council. As the Department is currently ranking projects with costs being a factor, Hankelow's 30 m.p.h. speed limit request may be one of those chosen.

      Rachel Bailey added that no results had been agreed on the Local Transport Plan, A to B review. A report on the review was due on 25th February, 2010. It could be 2 years before the 30 m.p.h. speed limit was implemented in Hankelow.

    2. Hankelow Parish Plan

      Cllr. Foster reported that at a previous meeting in the village, a group of villagers agreed to set up an event to see if there was any interest in the village for the production of a Parish Plan (also known as a Village Plan).

      The event has now been organised and will happen on 2nd February at Brookfield Golf Club, Hankelow. Invitations have been delivered to all the houses in Hankelow and the group will wait to see whether there is enough support for the production of a Parish Plan.

      Bron Kerrigan, a representative of Cheshire Community Action and the budget holder for the Parish Plan Scheme for Cheshire East and part of Cheshire West, has informed the group that it needs eight people to be prepared to be on the Parish Plan steering group. The Group would also need other volunteers to help with the "leg work".

      A grant of £250. has been applied for from Cheshire Community Action to cover the cost of the Brookfield Golf Club event, which Cheshire Community Action will not require to be repaid, should the Parish Plan (Village Plan) Project not proceed. Colin Ainley, a member of the group arranging the event, had prepared the Grant Application Form. He explained that Hankelow Parish Council would be required to pay a minimum of 5% Community Financial Support towards the cost of any future Parish Plan (Village Plan) project.

      Borough Councillor Rachel Bailey said that Cheshire East Council were encouraging Parish "Cluster" groups and Cheshire East Council would consult with Parish Groups and residents of the village.

    3. Police Cluster meetings

      The Chairman reported that he had attended a Police Cluster Meeting, and that other Chairmen of Parish Councils had also raised the subject of Speed Limits at the meeting.

      The Chairman reported that he would be unable to attend the next Police Cluster Meeting on 20th April, 2010. Cllr. Williams agreed to attend.

    4. Footpaths

      It was reported that there was a gate tied with string which also had no hinges close to the footbridge by the river. The Clerk was instructed to contact Stephen Jones, Footpath Officer at Pheonix House, Winsford, to request that a new stile be built, running across to the footbridge.

      Cllr. Foster proposed that a bench be placed by the footpath close to the river. The Chairman agreed to consult with the landowners for permission. Ian Jones offered to make a bench and the Parish Council accepted his offer.

    5. Burial Board

      Cllr. Foster reported that she had attended a Burial Board Meeting on 13th January, 2010. The Election of Officers for the next year had taken place. Irene Stockton continues as Chairperson. Ralph Warburton agreed to continue as Clerk.

      The wages and salaries of the grave-digger and the cemetery grounds men were reviewed. New cemetery fees were agreed.

  4. Requests

    1. MENCAP

      The Clerk had received a letter from MENCAP requesting a donation.

      The Clerk was instructed to send a letter in reply stating that on this occasion the Council would not be making a donation but would keep the letter on file.

    2. Audlem Community First Responders

      The Clerk had received a letter requesting a donation from Audlem Community First Responders.

      Cllr. Williams proposed a cheque for £100.00. should be sent. Seconded by Cllr. Foster.

      The Clerk was instructed to send a cheque for £100.00. to Audlem Community First Responders.

  5. Precept and Accounts

    The Clerk reported a balance of £4,664.52

    Cheques issued since the last meeting
    Details Amount
    Total £206.94
    A. Jones (Clerk's fees and expenses) £176.94
    Feed Store (Duck food) £30.00

    The Clerk also reported that the letter requesting the precept for 2010/2011 had been sent, and that the precept would remain the same for 2010/2011 at £2,200.

  6. A.O.B.

    1. Hankelow Illustrated Village Map

      Gary Thompson had finished the Hankelow Illustrated Village Map. Councillors were provided with copies. The clerk was instructed to send a letter of thanks. Proposed by Cllr. Foster seconded by Cllr. Cope. It was agreed that the original map should be placed in a display board and the Chairman would find out prices.

    2. Salary rates for Parish Clerks

      The Clerk was requested to contact Cheshire Association of Local Councils for information regarding salary rates for Parish Clerks and how they are calculated as the Parish Council intends to review the Clerk's salary.

    3. Feeding the ducks on Hankelow pond

      Cllr. Cope reported that there are now more ducks on the pond and Ken Mottershead had requested more funds to purchase duck food.

      It was agreed to increase the sum for the purchase of duck food from £30.00 to £35.00 with immediate effect. Seconded by Cllr. Williams.

    4. Bushes at the junction of Hall Lane and Audlem Road

      Kirk Shenton had cut back the bushes near the main road. The Clerk was instructed to send a letter of thanks to Kirk Shenton, proposed by Cllr. Cope, seconded by Cllr. Foster.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting with the date of the A.G.M. set for 10th May 2010